1st August 2017

Partnership Boards, Groups & Forums

As The User-Led Organisation for Thurrock, Thurrock Coalition has responsbility for facilitating and building the capacity of the Thurrock Partnership Boards, Groups and forums.

The papers relating to each meeting over the last year are available below.

Please note, the papers relating to previous meetings have been archived and are available electronically. Please contact us to request copies.

The Boards, Groups and Forums include:

The Thurrock Disability Partnership Board
Meets on the third Thursday of the month in: March, June, September and December.
From 6pm – 8pm
At The Beehive, West Street, Grays, Essex. RM17 6XP

The Thurrock Emotional Wellbeing Forum for Individuals, Family Members & Carers
Meets on the second Monday of the month in: February, May, August and November.
From 1.30 pm for refreshments. 2—4pm meeting.
At: Thurrock Mind, Crown House, Crown Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6JD

Speak Up For Your Age Thurrock
Meets on the fourth  Tuesday of the month in: April, July, October, January.
From 10:30am – 12:30pm
At The Beehive, West Street, Grays, Essex. RM17 6XP

The Thurrock Autism Action Group
Meets on the first Monday of the month in: March, June, September and December.
From 10am – 12 noon
At The Beehive, West Street, Grays, Essex. RM17 6XP

The Direct Payment Engagement Group (DPEG)
Meets Monthly on Thursdays – alternating between morning (10am to 12 noon) and afternoon meetings (2pm to 4pm)
The meeting schedule for 2019 can be found here
At The Beehive, West Street, Grays, Essex. RM17 6XP
