We are USER-Led
Thurrock Centre For Independent Living
The TCIL team can assist people with the majority of disability related issues from providing information or advising about a situation that simply requires completing an application form to a more complex situation that needs a formal advocate or complaint to be made, and many matters in between of concern to disabled individuals and their carers. If members of the TCIL team are not the most appropriate people to help, we will always try to suggest other options.
Thurrock Lifestyle Solutions CIC
TLS is a social enterprise trading as a Community Interest Company and was established in 2007. The TLS CIC Governance insists that 100% of their Board are people who identify as Disabled. TLS CIC was founded on the concept of Community Solutions, using disabled people as our experts by experience. TLS CIC believes in social justice and the rights of disabled people. TLS CIC wants people to be treated as Equal Value Partners. From this they have developed several models of supporting people to live lifestyles of choice in their own communities. TLS CIC took over the majority of Thurrock Council’s disability services on the 1st of February, 2013 and in 2015 were listed as number one for the Eastern region Nat West SE100 index.
Thurrock Diversity Network Limited
Thurrock Diversity Network Limited (TDN) is a local Community Benefit Society registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. TDN works alongside disabled adult residents of Thurrock, focussing upon equality, independent living & inclusive communities. TDN works to promote the physical, emotional, mental well-being of the community, especially those who participate in the activities of the Society, and shall support, foster and promote the principles and practice of common ownership and co-operation in its own affairs and in society generally. TDN campaigns through User-Led consultation and co-production initiatives to shape & influence local and national policies and strategies affecting disabled people of all impairment types.
Thurrock Mind
Thurrock Mind is an independent organisation, affiliated to National Mind, and was founded in 1980 by a group of people interested in developing services in the community to support those with mental health problems. Thurrock Mind’s vision is of a society that promotes and protects good mental health for all, treating people with experience of mental distress fairly, positively and with respect. The needs and experience of people with mental distress drive our work and we make sure their voice is heard by those who influence change. Our independence gives us the freedom to stand up and speak out on the real issues that affect our daily lives. We provide information, support and services while campaigning to improve policy and attitudes – we do all this to make it possible for people who experience mental distress to live full lives and play their part in society.
Are you a disabled or older person living in Thurrock? Or do you care for someone who is? Thurrock Coalition is the User-Led Organisation for Thurrock Thurrock Coalition has been set up to ensure that: Residents get all the information they may require to get the support and care that they or their families /relatives need. We link to a whole range of groups and individuals in the borough. We know about the rights and entitlements of residents of Thurrock. We provide advice and information on a range of issues affecting disabled and older people. One of our main aims is to consult and engage with residents of Thurrock to help shape and influence Thurrock Council policies and strategies around Adult Social Care. Our service is available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday at The Beehive, Grays, Essex, RM17 6XP. Telephone: 01375 389864.
on a range of Disability-related issues
with Disabled people, older people, their families & carers
to raise awareness of contemporary issues of concern to Thurrock residents.
to promote the Social Model of Disability - raising awareness of peoples rights, responsibilities, duties and entitlements and to remove physical, environmental and attitudinal barriers that disable people
Our Staff

Ian Evans

Thurrock Coalition