Informing the Autism Strategy for Thurrock

One of our main aims is to consult and engage with residents of Thurrock to help shape and influence Thurrock Council policies and strategies around Adult Social Care. To this end we planned and facilitated an event to gather views from individuals, parents and carers on the current provision of services for people on the Read more about Informing the Autism Strategy for Thurrock[…]

Workforce Planning – Observation of Training Project

This work stream follows directly from the co-productive project undertaken by Thurrock Coalition and Thurrock Council to inform, design and develop a Workforce Strategy For Thurrock (see below). After undertaking the project focus groups (September 2011-November 2011) and subsequent follow up event (February 2012) Representatives from both Thurrock Coalition and Thurrock Council respectively wanted to Read more about Workforce Planning – Observation of Training Project[…]

Housing Hurdles Event Report & Recommendations – July 2012

The Housing Hurdles Event was held in order engage key organisations in the Third Sector including as well as Citizens of Thurrock, and Council Officers to explore and discuss issues around housing specifically affecting disabled people in Thurrock. The issues covered included: accessibility, assessments, experiences, delays, homelessness, equipment, adaptations and priority within the allocation system.  Read more about Housing Hurdles Event Report & Recommendations – July 2012[…]

Powerful Partnerships – Partnership Board Scoping event

The recent “Powerful Partnerships” event, held on 8 March looked into the importance of co-operation, co-ordination and collaboration between Adult Social Care, Health, LINk and the Partnership Boards that operate in Thurrock to highlight and discuss future plans. Thurrock Coalition has designed and developed a “Partnership Board Charter” to help to build capacity and consistency Read more about Powerful Partnerships – Partnership Board Scoping event[…]

Informing a Sensory Strategy for Thurrock

One of our main aims is to consult and engage with residents of Thurrock to help shape and influence Thurrock Council policies and strategies around Adult Social Care. One of our work streams involved informing a Sensory Strategy for Thurrock through a series of workshops in November and December 2011. Our report (including findings, recommendations Read more about Informing a Sensory Strategy for Thurrock[…]

Informing the Workforce Planning Strategy in Thurrock

One of our main aims is to consult and engage with residents of Thurrock to help shape and influence Thurrock Council policies and strategies around Adult Social Care. A key project in this area looked at developing a Workforce Planning Strategy in Co-production with Thurrock Council. Our report (including findings, recommendations and conclusions) is available Read more about Informing the Workforce Planning Strategy in Thurrock[…]
